Weeknotes 1

October 13, 20192 min read

Hi. This is my first weeknote.

I’m reading Ryan Holiday’s Stillness is the Key in which he expresses the virtues of journaling; what Foucault refers to as Hupomnemata or “a material memory of things read, heard, or thought, thus offering these as an accumulated treasure for rereading and later meditation.”.

I know myself well enough to know I won’t be able journal with any sort of frequency but I feel like I might be able to write a few paragraphs each week.

We shall see.

I’ve been playing a lot of guitar this week. I have been playing for nearly twenty years now but I’ve never really spent any time learning the instrument: instead I just rely on the the same chord shapes and scales I learned when I was seventeen.

Technique aside, it’s something I still come back to on a regular basis. As a teenager it was a form of expression—something loud and brutal and angry—but as I have mellowed so too has my playing. It’s now a way to relax. Something quieter, more meditative.

I’m challenging myself to learn fingerstyle at the moment.

Today (Sunday) Caroline and I drove over to Ramsbottom to watch Anthony compete in the Rake Hill Climb. Brutal course but a great atmosphere.


Managed to get four runs in this week (17.4 miles). Good week on the fasting front: managed 5 x 16:8 fasts. Slept well.
