Weeknotes 16

February 09, 20201 min read

Caroline and I finally exchanged contracts on our new house. A massive relief. We’ve felt in limbo since our offer was accepted back in September.

Hopefully we’ll be in before Spring.


Still not drinking but ate like a pig. Slept pretty well. Generally felt pretty good.

Ran once but had to call it quits after one lap. Planned to run today but there is some weather happening.


This week I ordered the Ethical Design Handbook from Smashing Magazine. I’ve skimmed the eBook and I’m looking forward to reading the hardback when it arrives.

On the subject of ethical design: Brave, my current default browser, produced a report regarding surveillance on UK council websites.

Nearly all council websites permit at least one company to learn about the behaviour of people who visit them. People seeking information about disability, poverty, drugs and alcoholism services are profiled by data brokers on some council websites.

Chilling stuff.

Finally, surf magazine Beach Grit on surfing verses capitalism

Surfing, by its very nature, inherently contradicts basic capitalism. Surfers don’t need more stuff, don’t want more surfers and don’t care about grabbing attention.